Professional development, leadership and management programs
The Volkswagen Group Academy offers a broad range of qualification routes for specialists. These include personal development programs in addition to general professional development programs and training within the vocational groups. The basic dual training principle, which combines learning of theoretical content with practical experience, also plays a key role here.
A large number of the development programs and selection processes for executives, master craftsmen and managers have already been standardized across the Group. In 2015, the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand in Germany alone offered over 210 training programs leading to qualifications for executives, master craftsmen and managers, as well as assessment centers. Internationally, the Volkswagen Group Academy carried out a total of around 75 training programs and assessment centers for executives, master craftsmen and managers in Argentina, Brazil, China, the United Kingdom, India, Ireland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Slovakia, South Africa, the Czech Republic and the USA.